Search found 95 matches

by richmills
14:15 Wed 02 Feb 2022
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

1 x Grahams '70
1 x Dow '70
1 x Taylor '77

Caught my eye in the Nickolls & Perks sale.
by richmills
07:17 Mon 31 May 2021
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1977 Graham
Replies: 0
Views: 1921

1977 Graham

Popped and poured after a barbecue on Sunday. Even without a decant this is immediately delicious; strawberries and other sweet red fruits, just a hint of mint and a little bitterness keeping everything beautifully balanced. This is the best bottle of this I've had for years and not at all like the ...
by richmills
07:55 Fri 23 Apr 2021
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: I'm going to be having a bad week...
Replies: 33
Views: 13978

Re: I'm going to be having a bad week...

F77 is spectacular and typically my wine of the vintage. I used to like the Taylor better, but have come around to Fonseca lately. No arguing the F77 is lovely, but I still currently prefer Taylor as my favourite of the vintage, then Fonseca, then Warre and Grahams in that order. All of them wonder...
by richmills
13:24 Thu 22 Apr 2021
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: I'm going to be having a bad week...
Replies: 33
Views: 13978

Re: I'm going to be having a bad week...

77 and I have always had an uneasy relationship. That's so interesting. 77 was the first vintage I ever tasted, probably 15 years ago now and it absolutely got me hooked (Grahams since you ask :)). Ever since then baring maybe 3 bad bottles I've always loved it whenever I have it, and it's hands do...
by richmills
09:30 Fri 12 Mar 2021
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Insane auction prices
Replies: 15
Views: 9785

Re: Insane auction prices

It just keeps happening as well (at least on wine-auctioneer). I've been bidding on their auctions since last Summer (just for a bit of lock-down entertainment as much as anything else) and I've not won a single lot. Everything I'm interested in has gone for more than I could buy directly from a rep...
by richmills
20:27 Thu 04 Feb 2021
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Wine fridges
Replies: 16
Views: 11095

Re: Wine fridges

Thanks everyone, some very helpful suggestions there. I particularly like the idea of actually measuring the daily temperature swing with a digital thermometer (not sure why I hadn't already thought of that).

I'll let you know how I get on.
by richmills
15:21 Tue 02 Feb 2021
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Wine fridges
Replies: 16
Views: 11095

Re: Wine fridges

In my experience owning a number of wine fridges over the years I’ve learned to avoid the “dual zone” ones. They just don’t last as long, by a good margin, as the single temperature zone ones. Ok good to know. I'd already decided I had no use for dual zone. As for the garage, how hot does it get in...
by richmills
11:34 Tue 02 Feb 2021
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Wine fridges
Replies: 16
Views: 11095

Wine fridges

Hi all Under some light pressure from my better half, I'm thinking of clearing out the "wine cupboard" and getting a temperature controlled wine fridge instead. What do people think of them? In particular does anyone have any experience of Climadiff since their range seem to be a good matc...
by richmills
07:50 Mon 21 Dec 2020
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Festive Drinking 2020
Replies: 29
Views: 12421

Re: Festive Drinking 2020

On the port front I have lined up this year a Graham's '70 and a Fonseca '77.
by richmills
15:38 Mon 16 Nov 2020
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Taylor 77 later release?
Replies: 2
Views: 3210

Taylor 77 later release?

I came across some bottles of Taylor '77 for sale today which the photo showed had a more modern style of Taylor labels than you normally see on the '77s. I think they're the style Taylor used on the '85s and later. It's hard to tell, but I also think they have a different (more modern) type of caps...
by richmills
07:59 Mon 26 Oct 2020
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Auction Prices
Replies: 10
Views: 8760

Re: Auction Prices

Thanks everyone, some very helpful comments there. It sounds like I've picked the worst time to start looking at auctions :)
by richmills
13:14 Fri 23 Oct 2020
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Auction Prices
Replies: 10
Views: 8760

Re: Auction Prices

winesecretary wrote: 11:39 Fri 23 Oct 2020 Cheapest Wine-Searcher prices normally exclude VAT (and often duty).
Yes I should have been clearer. I meant the cheapest price from wine-searcher taking into account all taxes due.
by richmills
10:08 Fri 23 Oct 2020
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Auction Prices
Replies: 10
Views: 8760

Auction Prices

Hi all Can I just ask from the more experienced members here; what do people think is a reasonable price to expect to pay for port at auction? I've started browsing a couple of online auction sites with a view to maybe taking a punt on some bottles, and my view has been that considering the general ...
by richmills
12:15 Wed 07 Oct 2020
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

6 x Dow '94
2 x Warre '77
by richmills
17:26 Mon 31 Aug 2020
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: What was your first vintage?
Replies: 18
Views: 7994

Re: What was your first vintage?

Sometime in the summer of 2010, it was a Graham 1977.

I'd still pick any of the 77s as an introduction today.
by richmills
18:35 Sun 09 Aug 2020
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1977 Taylor
Replies: 3
Views: 2891

Re: 1977 Taylor

'77 seems to be in a great place at the moment, and the Taylor I'm particularly liking. It's a pity the prices seem to have shot up recently.
by richmills
07:51 Mon 28 Oct 2019
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1977 Taylor
Replies: 0
Views: 3889

1977 Taylor

A very slightly leaking bottle opened in an emergency and only given a 1 hour decant due to a lack of forward planning. So very dark still, I can't believe this is a 42 year old wine. Started out a bit hot, but even after only a couple of hours it was starting to integrate nicely and so fruity! Beau...
by richmills
06:01 Mon 27 May 2019
Forum: Organising Tastings and Get-togethers
Topic: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal
Replies: 121
Views: 107780

Re: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal

Apologies from me also, something has come up and I'll not be able to make it now after all.
by richmills
08:36 Mon 08 Apr 2019
Forum: Organising Tastings and Get-togethers
Topic: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal
Replies: 121
Views: 107780

Re: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal

RJM you are very welcome. Will be great to see you, I have added you to the list. Can you please have a look at the Boot and Flogger’s menu and advise what you would like as a starter, main and pud. Thanks Christopher I'll go for: Starter: Nothing for me thanks. Main: Ribeye steak (medium rare) wit...
by richmills
08:00 Tue 02 Apr 2019
Forum: Reviews
Topic: Tue 26 Mar 2019, DRT’s birthday, at the B&F
Replies: 7
Views: 18152

Re: Tue 26 Mar 2019, DRT’s birthday, at the B&F

Certainly looks like the 70's are in a good place right now :)
by richmills
13:19 Tue 26 Mar 2019
Forum: Organising Tastings and Get-togethers
Topic: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal
Replies: 121
Views: 107780

Re: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal

Can I put in a request to attend my first tasting, or is this one now full? I'm looking to expand my collection of 94's and this could give me just the information I need (plus my wife is away on the proposed date so I'm certain to get a pass for the evening :)) It’s not full, so I’m sure Christoph...
by richmills
12:45 Tue 26 Mar 2019
Forum: Organising Tastings and Get-togethers
Topic: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal
Replies: 121
Views: 107780

Re: Tue 11 Jun 2019 — 1994 Mini Horizontal

Can I put in a request to attend my first tasting, or is this one now full? I'm looking to expand my collection of 94's and this could give me just the information I need (plus my wife is away on the proposed date so I'm certain to get a pass for the evening :))
by richmills
07:20 Tue 19 Mar 2019
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1977 Warre
Replies: 3
Views: 4035

Re: 1977 Warre

No mine didn't look quite like that in the glass. There was no hint of the nice pink color I can see in your top photo; it started out as a more amber color and then as it darkened in the decanter it became browner. It wasn't a disaster by any means though. I have another 2 bottles from the same sou...
by richmills
15:19 Mon 18 Mar 2019
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1977 Warre
Replies: 3
Views: 4035

1977 Warre

Taken in my luggage to France to share with a friend and opened after standing and settling for a week. A very light color on initial decanting, more tawny than pink. Nice nose, but a rather thin flavour of dried fruits, coffee and nuts. I did wonder if it was slightly oxidised although the bottle h...
by richmills
09:54 Tue 05 Feb 2019
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

1 each of:

Dow '70
Warre '77
Taylor '77
Grahams '77
by richmills
11:05 Sun 30 Dec 2018
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 2003 Sainsbury
Replies: 1
Views: 2075

Re: 2003 Sainsbury Taste the Difference

Oh I should add; the bottle and cork were branded Symington. No more details.
by richmills
11:01 Sun 30 Dec 2018
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 2003 Sainsbury
Replies: 1
Views: 2075

2003 Sainsbury

2003 Sainsbury TTD Brought round as a gift by the neighbours to go with some cheese, so just an emergency 45 minute minute decant. I wasn't expecting much but I was pleasantly surprised. Very (dark) fruit forward as you would expect, and while the tannins were powerful they managed to be just gripp...
by richmills
10:54 Sun 30 Dec 2018
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1970 Graham
Replies: 1
Views: 2053

1970 Graham

Darker than I was expecting for a nearly 50 year old port, and on first taste had a slightl astringency. But I needn't have worried; after 3 hours it was delicious with ripe red berry flavours, soft and gentle tannins and just the right amount of heat. Wonderful mature port that was a great accompan...
by richmills
07:08 Mon 21 May 2018
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Selo under/over capsule
Replies: 4
Views: 4591

Re: Selo under/over capsule

The bottles with the selo under the capsule will have been shipped soon after release. Those with the selo over the top will have been shipped from Oporto many years later. The selo is normally applied immediately before shipping. I don't think they will have been re-corked otherwise the selo could...
by richmills
08:13 Mon 07 May 2018
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

2x Taylor '77
2x Warre '77
2x Graham '77
2x Fonseca '77

For those of us who have to buy retail it seems like there are some relatively good bargains to be had on the '77s now we're out of the 40th anniversary year :)
by richmills
08:10 Mon 07 May 2018
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Selo under/over capsule
Replies: 4
Views: 4591

Selo under/over capsule

A quick question for the experts (well, everyone's an expert compared to me :D ) I have a few bottles of Taylor '77 that I've acquired over the years from different sources most of which have a selo under the capsule. I've just bought another couple of bottles that arrived last week, and they have t...
by richmills
14:38 Thu 08 Mar 2018
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

6x Grahams '85

I've been looking to pick some of this up for ages now at a reasonable price and finally got some, happy days :)
by richmills
13:45 Tue 23 Jan 2018
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

Since the new year I have done my usual annual stocking up and bought:

3x Offley '94
3x Taylor '85
1x Graham '70
1x Kopke colheita '57
1x Graham 40yr tawny
by richmills
09:13 Fri 03 Nov 2017
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1985 Fonseca
Replies: 7
Views: 8039

Re: 1985 Fonseca

Well I'm just enjoying the final glass of this now, and after nearly 48 hours I think rhis is the best one yet. I have 5 bottles of this remaining and I definitely think I'll hold on for a few more years before opening the next one. Holding on to the remaining 5 bottles for a few years before openi...
by richmills
18:03 Wed 01 Nov 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Vesuvio 94 Cork shonkyness
Replies: 4
Views: 4736

Re: Vesuvio 94 Cork shonkyness

I'll try the kettle and steam idea next time if it looks like the cork is stuck. I don't think I should be allowed near open flames and port, so tongs are probably out :-) I don't doubt there are many instances of dry and crumbly corks out there, I was just curious about whether it was particularly ...
by richmills
14:37 Tue 24 Oct 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Vesuvio 94 Cork shonkyness
Replies: 4
Views: 4736

Vesuvio 94 Cork shonkyness

I opened a bottle of Vesuvio 94 last night and had a right fight with the cork. It was quite dry, very crumbly and stuck to the sides. I ended up drilling the cork out in lots of little bits. I had exactly the same problem with the previous bottle of Vesuvio 94 I opened from a completely different b...
by richmills
15:17 Tue 18 Jul 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Couriers
Replies: 16
Views: 7152

Re: Couriers

Don't get me started; we're currently trying to get a package delivered by dpd. Yesterday we had a text saying they attempted to deliver but we weren't in with a picture attached of someone else's gate entirely, so my wife phoned up and gave detailed instructions for how to get to us with a note to ...
by richmills
14:47 Tue 18 Apr 2017
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1983 Graham
Replies: 0
Views: 2332

1983 Graham

Quite dark in the decanter for a 34 year old port. Smelling of black currants, a first taste straight after decanting is very discouraging; there's a sourness and bitterness I didn't enjoy at all. I nearly decided the bottle was spoiled and tipped it away but I decided to give it another chance and ...
by richmills
16:04 Mon 13 Mar 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: An afternoon of rummaging
Replies: 4
Views: 4924

Re: An afternoon of rummaging

The best bit is when you come across that odd bottle at the bottom of a rack or in an odd case you totally forgot you had :-)
by richmills
15:27 Tue 07 Mar 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: What have you got open this weekend?
Replies: 74
Views: 55051

Re: What have you got open this weekend?

Hardly the weekend anymore I realise, but I have a bottle of Ramos Pinto 20yo open. I'm skiing in Val d'Isere and it's the only choice from the local supermarket. Quite nice actually.
by richmills
07:42 Sun 05 Mar 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: What have you got open this weekend?
Replies: 74
Views: 55051

Re: What have you got open this weekend?

Doggett wrote: 23:31 Sat 04 Mar 2017 A Sandeman 20YO Tawny. A classic that I am trying to employ some restraint with, even though it is so moreish.
My goto cellar defender, very good value.
by richmills
10:54 Fri 24 Feb 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Warre's 1970 Private Cellar release
Replies: 7
Views: 5406

Re: Warre's 1970 Private Cellar release

I wonder if it is an attempt to reposition the prices of UK stock. I have not seen the 85 offered at inflated prices yet but I hope it isn't true. I'm after getting a few 85s to add to my current meagre stocks and I've noticed that the good ones have taken a significant jump since I previously look...
by richmills
11:22 Fri 03 Feb 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

I broke my duck on the 2011 vintage. Half a case of 2011 Quinta da Senhora do Convento at £24/bottle retail. I hope Alex is right about this wine, all I have to do now is live long enough to drink it. Can't argue with that price. I know what you mean though, I have a small amount of Grahams and Fon...
by richmills
10:58 Sun 29 Jan 2017
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1976 Krohn Colheita (bottled 2016)
Replies: 0
Views: 1942

1976 Krohn Colheita (bottled 2016)

Bottled 2016. Quite dark brown still with rich flavours of smoky oak, coffee, and marmalade. Really thick and sticky (in a good way!) with perfect acidity and so smooth, I just can't stop taking another sip. This is how I think colheita should be, fortunately I still have another 7 bottles stashed a...
by richmills
10:53 Sun 29 Jan 2017
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1955 Kopke Colheita (bottled 2014)
Replies: 0
Views: 2180

1955 Kopke Colheita (bottled 2014)

Bottled 2014. I'll admit to being disappointed with this, it had quite a simple profile with a dominant flavour of sour cherries. I know I don't have the best ability to sift and identify individual flavours within a wine, but in this case there really was only 1 thing I could taste. Also it was sli...
by richmills
10:46 Sun 29 Jan 2017
Forum: Port Tasting Notes
Topic: 1970 Taylor
Replies: 0
Views: 1941

1970 Taylor

Somewhat lighter pink than the last few of these I've had. After a 6 hour decant this was a lovely smooth port with soft berry flavours and just the right amount of acidity. Very good port but definitely lighter bodied than I remember Taylor 70 being. 92 points.
by richmills
14:08 Thu 12 Jan 2017
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Latest buy
Replies: 2246
Views: 1048165

Re: Latest buy

2x Krohn Colheita '76
1x Grahams '70
1x Fonseca '70
2x Grahams '77
6x Qunita do Vesuvio '94

Stop me, I need help.
by richmills
09:48 Sat 24 Dec 2016
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: Christmas wine and port
Replies: 20
Views: 14827

Re: Christmas wine and port

Kopke colheita 1955 (already on the go)
Taylor 1970 for the big day
Taylor 1977 if it turns out there's another port emergency between Christmas and new year :)
by richmills
11:07 Sun 16 Oct 2016
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: 1994; Where's the value?
Replies: 25
Views: 17412

Re: 1994; Where's the value?

Thiis thread only serves to remind me how little '94 I've drunk in recent years. A decade ago I would pop the odd one from time to time, but then concluded it was not very rewarding or informative to open bottles under 18 years old. 18 then morphed to 21 and then 24, each time leaving the '94s just...
by richmills
09:49 Fri 14 Oct 2016
Forum: Port Conversations
Topic: 1994; Where's the value?
Replies: 25
Views: 17412

Re: 1994; Where's the value?

Thanks all. Some Warres and Dow ordered and I'll keep my eye out for any bargain priced Grahams and Vesuvio I think. Now I just have to wait patiently for 10-20 years, better hope those 85s come good in the meantime :)