Advice for Christening Present

Anything to do with Port.
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Cruz Ruby
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Advice for Christening Present

Post by Petenats »

Hi All,

Compete newby to the forum and I must admit I’ve joined for the purpose of getting the advice of some experts.

I’ve been given the privilege of being asked to be the Godfather of a close friends son. He was born last year and I was looking to get a present then can mature with him. Some years ago I did something similar for a friend who child was a bit older and I was able to buy 6 bottle of port that were from her birth year with notes that they were to be kept to celebrate various big life events. 18th, 21st, graduation etc etc…

As she was a bit older I could get some nice vintage ports for reasonable prices to be stored for the future. Unfortunately as my new charge is just 1, no vintage ports have been announced. I’ve looked at the possibility of a port bond, and so far seen two possibilities. One Grahams at £499 and one Quevedo bond for £325.

I was hoping to spend a bit less…

Does anyone have any other suggestions?
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Re: Advice for Christening Present

Post by PhilW »

I'm only aware of one other port bond option you haven't mentioned, and that is that Grahams do also offer single-bottle port bonds (£99) as well as their six-bottle bond (£499), depending on how much you want to spend. The Quevedo six-bottle bond (£325) is the lowest per-bottle, as while they make good quality ports, their name is less well known.

Alternatively, you could make your own "Petenats Port Bond" certificate, to be redeemed in 2+(?) years, to give yourself some time before you had to purchase, then perhaps make your choice from the release of 2021 VPs next April/May (2023). Looking at current 2020 release prices, some lesser-known and/or lower-quality brands are available at around £40/bt, with the better ports at £85+/bt, with your chosen quantity.

If you were able to wait still longer for purchase (still with the "make your own Certificate" option though), then unfiltered LBV (typically released 4-6yr after vintage) could be an option that would get you very good port at a lower price; typically £18-25/bt, and as long as unfiltered then these will improve with aging and can be excellent; the Warre traditional (unfiltered) LBV is a great example of this, though Waitrose are only currently selling the 2008; but other brands do make their unfiltered LBVs available earlier, e.g. Fonseca 2015 unfiltered LBV for £18 and Sandeman 2015 unfiltered LBV for £21, currently. n.b. a small risk here, if they decided for not to release an unfiltered LBV of the 2021 vintage for some reason, albeit perhaps unlikely.
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Re: Advice for Christening Present

Post by DRT »

Welcome to :tpf: and thank you for coming here for advice, which our members are always happy to share.

2021 is unlikely to be an outstanding year for Vintage Port so I would suggest the Port Bond options are not the best option as you might end up spending more money than you need to for the quality of the Port your new charge would end up drinking. This report from Charles Symington tells the story of that vintage but doesn't inspire confidence that a classic is in the offing.

I like Phil's idea of giving some form of certificate rather than the actual bottles as you can then redeem that promise against a six-pack of something that some here might have tasted and be able to vouch for early next year.

Giving birth year Port to children is a very long tradition and everyone who has done so would have found themselves in your position of not being able to act upon the giving of the gift until the child's second year. Keeping up that tradition is a good thing 88) :990033:
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
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Re: Advice for Christening Present

Post by jdaw1 »

DRT wrote: 21:14 Wed 08 Jun 2022not being able to act upon the giving of the gift until the child's second year.
Most parents delaying putting Port in their diet until after their third birthday, so the inconvenience is typically only slight.
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Re: Advice for Christening Present

Post by Petenats »

Some brilliant advice. Thank you.

I really like the idea of making a personal bond. I also love the idea of using all the amazing knowledge here to find some suitable Port when the time comes,

I’ll encourage the parents to introduce Port into the young man’s diet as soon as practically possible…😉
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Re: Advice for Christening Present

Post by mosesbotbol »

I would wait a couple of years and see what is declared and come to market. There will be something for sure. If not port, how about vintage Champagne? 6 pack of Cristal or Dom would be a welcome gift.
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