Who Needs To Detox?

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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by JacobH »

I wonder how far that chart goes...if you keep that rate up you’ll cease to exist around December 2012... :shock:
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

JacobH wrote:if you keep that rate up you’ll cease to exist around December 2012... :shock:
If I keep feeling anything like I did when I woke up this morning I may expire long before then :roll:

Hey, ho - off for another 10+ miles in the hills :wink:
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

DRT wrote:Hey, ho - off for another 10+ miles in the hills :wink:
Those of you who know me well will no doubt recognise that sometimes I start out with a limited scope and then, through over-enthusiasm and a lack of self restraint, end up with something far beyond what is sensible. I normally confine this trait to my organisation of Port tastings but today I extended it into my physical exercise, and am now regretting doing so.

Minutes before leaving the house late this morning I glanced at a map and chose a place to park the car and a route to walk. I gave it no more thought and set out from Hope village along a path that I know well. After over an hour of exhausting work climbing around 2,000ft from where I started I looked at the hills that encircle the Edale Valley below and thought: "I could walk along the ridge to Jacob's Ladder and back along Edale Road". Sounds simple, but it turned out to be a walk of 21 miles, another 1,000ft of climbing, 6 or 7 miles through a very wet peat bog and many streches through deep snow. Seven hours later I arrived back at the car. For the last 3 or 4 miles along the road it felt like I had broken galss in the soles of my boots. Everything hurts.

...but I've now walked 51 miles in 3 days against my target of 50 in 4 88)

If my legs still work tomorrow I think I will go for something a little more sedate.
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

DRT wrote:If my legs still work tomorrow I think I will go for something a little more sedate.
They do not work sufficiently well for me to be able to motivate myself to pull my boots on again so it's a day off for me. I have a long way to go before I'm fit enough to tackle the 95 miles of the West Highland Way plus three Munros over ten days in July :roll:
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

2 lbs a week is actually pretty aggressive without a trainer, so you're doing great! I didn't actually set out to lose weight (just get in better shape) but still managed to lose about 2 lbs a month for the first year. It's slowed dramatically now, but then again I'm also right about where I should be weight-wise now (185).

Went for 5.2 miles this morning, but took it really slow because I just didn't feel like going out. I made it, though!
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

DRT wrote:Those of you who know me well will no doubt recognise that sometimes I start out with a limited scope and then, through over-enthusiasm and a lack of self restraint, end up with something far beyond what is sensible.
Is he talking about his Port cellar or his hiking? :mrgreen:
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

Glenn E. wrote:
DRT wrote:Those of you who know me well will no doubt recognise that sometimes I start out with a limited scope and then, through over-enthusiasm and a lack of self restraint, end up with something far beyond what is sensible.
Is he talking about his Port cellar or his hiking? :mrgreen:
Both :twisted:
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Andy Velebil »

Hiking I like, running I hate. In less than two weeks time I have to take part in a 120 mile relay run at work. I've got a 5 mile leg that is almost all up a very steep hill. So I figured I should start training for it sooner or later, so last night I ran 1-mile for the first time. I hate running. No idea how long it took me and don't care. I hate running. figure if I do a few more practice runs like yesterday I'll be ready. I've already got the cardio fitness from all my bicycle racing, I just need a little to transition to running. Can't wait till this run is over...did I mention I hate running :lol:
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

Andy Velebil wrote:Hiking I like, running I hate...I hate running...I hate running...did I mention I hate running
It sounds like you hate running almost as much as I do. Even when I was young and fit I used to detest having to go running as part of our physical education classes at school. I didn't mind running around playing football, rugby, basketball or any other sport but running just for the sake of running wasn't for me.

So, Mr V, suck it up and get running up that hill !!! :twisted:
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

I hated running when I was in high school, too, probably because I was so bad at it. I wasn't fast, and because I wasn't fast I couldn't get on with training to be able to run long distances.

But now I'm old enough that I no longer care whether or not I'm fast. I started running to support my wife training for her first half marathon, and liked it enough that I've kept running and am not training for MY first half marathon.

I'm not fast and probably never will be. But running has one HUGE advantage over just about any other sport - there's no gear. Sure, you need running shoes, but you need shoes to do just about anything. I can run any time, anywhere. That makes it a LOT easier for me to stay in shape! (Such as it is.)

Now hills... I'm with Andy on that one. I hate hills.

Ran 5.2 again this morning and lopped 8 minutes off of yesterday's dismal outing. Same route. Same time of day. No idea what changed.
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

Week 12: Another pound gone.

A busy week at work has prevented me geting off my a*se since Sunday so it's off to the hills for me tomorrow morning and again on Sunday.
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

This requires no explanation.

One would hope, however, that they have sufficient staff to ensure that the (drunk) runners don't get lost on the course! :lol:
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

DRT wrote:A busy week at work has prevented me geting off my a*se since Sunday so it's off to the hills for me tomorrow morning and again on Sunday.
A great day today - summer seems to be arriving at last! I was out in the sunshine for 6 hours (minus two periods of 15-20 minutes in darker places that served strange, golden, thirst-quenching liquid in pint glasses :roll: ) and walked a great circuit of:

Hope Village >> Win Hill >> Hope Cross >> Druid's Stone >> Edale >> The Old Nags Head >> Mam Tor >> Back Tor >> Lose Hill >> The Cheshire Cheese Inn >> Hope Village. 16 miles and over 3,500ft of ascent. I must be getting fitter as that walk would have left me feeling half dead two months ago.

I plan to do a similar walk tomorrow.
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

DRT wrote:16 miles and over 3,500ft of ascent...I plan to do a similar walk tomorrow.
Similar, but not quite as much as yesterday. I did 14 miles and 2,000ft of ascent - making it 30 miles and 5,500ft over the weekend.

I also managed a "first" for me today. I hiked over Brown's Knoll, a particularly boring and annoying stretch of the walk as it is about 3 miles of trudging through a peat bog/moor with no obvious path and it sucks all the strength from your legs as you are continually ankle deep in mud. I didn't see anyone for about an hour and then I met a young couple walking towards me. They stopped about 5 yards away from me on the opposite side of a flat piece of ground filled with black peat. It looked baked dry but, knowing what the surrounding ground was like, both the young couple and I were wary about how firm the ground was. We chatted for a few seconds and agreed on what looked like the best crossing point. As they stepped onto the hard black surface I stepped towards them. Half a second later I had both of my legs submerged in wet peat up to my waist. I managed to grab onto the long grass on the opposite side of the crossing and pull myself out, almost losing both my boots in the process. When I stood up on the other side, covered from the waist down in thick black oily glupe I looked over to the young couple, who had diverted their course and escaped clean and dry, and treated them to a string of expletives (not directed at them) that would have made my old Grandmother turn in her grave. I then trudged on for the next 2 hours attracting amused glances and comments from everyone I met until the sun and wind dried me off and I was able to brush the peat from my trousers. To put the icing on the cake I somehow managed to pull a muscle in my calf either falling into or getting out of the bog. Despite all of that, I am certain that the young lady was very impressed and thought I was probably the coolest guy she had met on her walk.
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

Hahaha... that's awesome, Derek!

Awesome, as-in, "I can't believe he actually did that, I sooo glad that wasn't me!" :lol: :wink:

I ran in a 12k race this morning and had set myself a reasonably challenging goal - 10-minute miles, or 1:14:30. I've only just recently managed to run 5 miles at an average of 10 minutes per mile, but I always seem to run faster in a race so I thought I might have a chance.

I finished in 1:13:28! Yay! Sadly, that put me in 41st out of 45 in my age division. :lol:

It was a great course, which helped. There were hills, but there were small and of the gently rolling variety so they didn't cause me any problems going up or coming back down. Part of the fun of this particular race is that members of the Seattle Seahawks (American football) were present at the starting line and also at the turn-around point which was at their new, lake side training facility.
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

Ran 9 miles yesterday for only the second time. This time I took an energy gel with me and ate it between miles 4 and 5. I wasn't particularly fast or particularly slow, but felt pretty good the whole way. I think the gel really helped, and now next time I need to figure out a way to take some water (or Gatorade) with me also. These longer runs really take a lot out of me.

This coming week is back to a more even plan again - 4, 7, 5, 7 - and then next Sunday we're doing the Top Pot Donuts 5k. I do believe that should qualify for the irony thread as well.
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Andy Velebil »

So saturday was my big run at work. just over 5 miles and 1,000' of elevation gain in the first 3.5 miles :shock: I haven't got my offical time yet (it was a 120 mile relay race), but I was told I was averaged somewhere just under 8 minutes a mile for my leg of the race. At it was 92 degrees when I started my run. I'm still sore....
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by marc j. »

I can't say that I hate running, but it isn't my perferred activity either. I used to run all sorts of marathons, Ironman (Kona), ect., but during my training for the Los Angeles marathon I was averaging 70 miles a week - which really took its toll on my knees. At that point I figured that tearing my knees up just wasn't worth it. I still backpack quite a bit and I also get in a fair amount of local hikes as well. I can't say that I have any desire to return to distance running per se, although I might consider it as part of my training for another run at Ironman.

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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by angeleyes »

My regimen is a daily ride to and from work, 6.5 miles each way. It's also good for the alertness what with all the potholes, buses taking up all the road, black cabs doing u-turns, blind pedestrians etc.
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

Today finished a repeat of Week 13 on the training program... I'll now go back to Week 11 and finish the program out on schedule for the half marathon at the end of June. (I started my training at Week 8 in the program because I was already well ahead of this program's pace when I started it, and have been repeating weeks 11-13 waiting for the calendar to catch up.)

7 miles today. Garmin has changed their web site and now have an elevation correction feature which allows you to ignore the elevation claims of your (wildly inaccurate) GPS watch and use surveyed elevations instead. So I now know that the massive hill on this run is 90' high over 0.28 miles. Nothing like what Derek hikes, but not at all fun to try to run!

I've been working on my stride and think I've had an epiphany. If I use my hips a little bit more I gain a couple of inches on my stride seemingly without using any additional energy. So I get to run faster without any additional effort other than the concentration currently required to do it. Yay!

72:52 today. A good warm-up for the Top Pot Donuts 5k Dash tomorrow morning. :wink:
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

Another 2lb shed this week :D

Today I walked 15 miles in the Pentland Hills with a total ascent of around 3,000ft. It was a tough walk after not doing any exercise for two weeks. Back home now so I'll be off to the Peak District tomorrow...
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

Apparently having the proper incentive helps one run faster. I ran this morning's Top Pot Donut Dash 5k in 27:56 according to my watch, which is a new personal best!
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by DRT »

DRT wrote:Another 2lb shed this week :D

Today I walked 15 miles in the Pentland Hills with a total ascent of around 3,000ft. It was a tough walk after not doing any exercise for two weeks. Back home now so I'll be off to the Peak District tomorrow...
Glenn E. wrote:Apparently having the proper incentive helps one run faster.
Apparently walking 15 miles and climbing 3,000ft after two weeks of no exercise leaves your body in tatters and acts as an incentive to spend the next day reading a good book. :roll:
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

Whee! The official results have me 3 seconds faster... 27:53. My goal was 9-minute miles, which I officially just barely beat!
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Re: Who Needs To Detox?

Post by Glenn E. »

As we all know, Port contains carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are good for exercising as they provide energy.

So this weekend I shall perform a test. I shall test to see whether or not having a Port tasting the night before you plan to run 8 miles provides good carbo-loading.

The things we must do in the name of science.
Glenn Elliott
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