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Build up

Posted: 18:19 Fri 25 Jan 2008
by Ghandih
Ooh, I like the idea of a build up (to be clear, in this context!). It's my birthday tomorrow, so some form of excitingness seems appropriate. It may be time to crack another Martinez '85...

To increase my general anticipation of the whole wonderful thing, pls could someone let me know a rough timetable of events, featuring (if nothing else) when I should be there in order to not miss the start!

Also, my memory of Covent Garden is that there are several shopkeepers, rather close together. Where should I be heading exactly?

Those nasty Irish folk decided today they want me back there on Monday morning. I have dug in heels and will not be there until Tuesday lunchtime, but that does mean a 09:55 flight from Heathrow on Tuesday morning, which is possibly a tad careless. However, I've got it in my head that we're roughly planning an average of one bottle of port per person, so I'll be fine. Won't I?


Posted: 23:46 Fri 25 Jan 2008
by Alex Bridgeman
Of course you'll be fine, we'll all swear blind that there's only one bottle of port per person and by the time we've taken into account all the losses through decanting and evaporation then it will be nearly only a bottle per person.

And the 9:55 from Heathrow - hopefully you're staying in a hotel near to the airport to maximise your sleep and recovery time!

As for a rough timetable of events, here goes:
11:00 Crusting Pipe opens to the public
18:00 The Deeper Underground Offline officially opens
18:30 We sit down to eat in Tunnel 1; consumption of alcoholic beverages with the food is entirely voluntary
19:30 Food service finishes; participants retire to Tunnel 2
19:31 Port consumption starts - filled glasses will be set out on the tables; participants are free to taste in flights or in any order they choose
23:30 Crusting Pipe closes; remaining participants leave the venue

The Crusting Pipe can be found in the basement of the south-eastern corner of the central group of shops and stores, the bit nearest to the London Transport Museum. If you really struggle to find it, just wander round all the central basements and you'll come across it.


Posted: 21:17 Sat 26 Jan 2008
by Ghandih
Blimey, I'm even more excited now.


Posted: 21:33 Sat 26 Jan 2008
by DRT
Here are three more of our victims sitting in front of "those tiles" 88)


Note that the Delaforce has a new label, capsule and seal. The label states that it was shipped by Quinta and Vineyard Bottlers, so this must be ex-cellars from 1991 onwards as it was shipped after Delaforce became part of the Taylor Fladgate Partnership.

Also note that the Croft has one of those plastic capsules. This means that, once I have gone to A&E after cutting off my thumb opening the Noval, AHB will join me after trying to open this baby with his penkinfe :roll: :lol:

The Dow's is in a squat brown sherry bottle, so is more than likely UK bottled.


Posted: 20:16 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by DRT
T Minus 24 HRS and Counting - are we ready, Gentlemen?

Where is all the excitement?

Are you all sleeping in the hope that you can outlast my legendary staying awake skills tomorrow night?

Has anyone decided what they want to drink with their steak yet?


Posted: 20:35 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by KillerB
We're just restraining ourselves.

Posted: 21:28 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by Simon Lisle
Those tiles are surely famous by now I'll keep an eye open for them at auction :wink:

Posted: 22:26 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by Alex Bridgeman
Derek T. wrote:[Has anyone decided what they want to drink with their steak yet?
Lightly sparkling mineral water for me, please. I can't make my mind up whether to order Badoit or Perrier. Which would you recommend?

Posted: 22:28 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by DRT
AHB wrote:
Derek T. wrote:[Has anyone decided what they want to drink with their steak yet?
Lightly sparkling mineral water for me, please. I can't make my mind up whether to order Badoit or Perrier. Which would you recommend?
I would recommend the Delaforce 85 - stop being a girl :roll:

Posted: 23:42 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by Conky
ImageSpeyside Glenlivet, a beautiful, tasteful water suitable for any occasion.You feel special as you slowly un-wrap the special foil seal that keeps this unique water safe and fresh. The background and detail of this very special Scottish Natural Mineral Water is impresive. Its unique and natural blend of minerals provides the essence of Speyside Glenlivet's special appeal. Even the most delicate flavors of what you eat and drink are enhanced when they are accompanied by its cool, clean and pure taste. The outstanding quality of this water was the reason why the first whisky distilleries were founded nearby over 200 years ago. The excellent properties of the water make's it perfect for low sodium diets. You'll have to go a long way to beat this incredible water and its good value.

But if they haven't got that particular bottled water...I'll have a gallon of Guiness!

Posted: 23:49 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by DRT
Conky wrote: I'll have a gallon of Guiness!
Not at The Crusting Pipe you won't !!!

It's a wine-only establishment. The only beer on the premises will be what is in your bladder as you walk through the door :?


Posted: 23:57 Sun 27 Jan 2008
by Conky
Well which half-wit booked that sort of Desert Land!!! Is it where Del Boy fell down the Bar Trap Door while Trigger looked on?

Posted: 00:05 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by DRT
No, it's the same place you went to the last time you were in London and the same place we told you last time had no beer :roll:

The good news is that there are around 100 pubs that do sell beer within 200 yards of The Crusting Pipe :D


Posted: 00:10 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by Conky
Sometimes I wonder if my humour is wasted on the Celts....

Posted: 00:14 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by DRT
I'll teach you some of my comedy timing, that should help you out.

Posted: 01:35 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by DRT
13 Hours til decanting time - better get some sleep :wink:


Posted: 06:35 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by Alex Bridgeman
There is beer at the Crusting Pipe. You have a choice of Davy's Wallop or Davy's Lager...or of drinking at one of the other hostelries nearby.

Anyone heard how Julian's tiddlywinks went last night?


Posted: 08:45 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by DRT
AHB wrote:There is beer at the Crusting Pipe. You have a choice of Davy's Wallop or Davy's Lager
Am I right in thinking these are bottles?

(Sorry Alan, wrong info :oops: )
AHB wrote:Anyone heard how Julian's tiddlywinks went last night?
I've just picked up The Times - will check the sports pages and let you know :lol:


Posted: 08:51 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by DRT
The Croft, Delaforce and Dow's are now on their way to London by First Class on National Express (GNER in old money). I will deliver them to The Crusting Pipe at around 09:30 this morning so that they can rest before decanting.

Alan, I think you mentioned somewhere that you hoped Virgin have WiFi. I travelled on that line in Oct 07 and they didn't have it then :cry:


Posted: 09:12 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by Conky
I'm beginning to worry that world might not be ready for a Techno Warrier like myself!

Once you showed me how to Post images...I was off.l

Posted: 13:56 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by Ghandih
AHB wrote: Anyone heard how Julian's tiddlywinks went last night?
Having not been at the event, I can report that Julian did not win. Not a hope. In order to win, you must play in no fewer than all but two of the rounds played. I predict that Julian probably missed the start on both days, and, even if he was there on the Satdi morning, he would have got unavoidably blocked in on the far side of the table at the pub at lunchtime, and cruelly forced to play drinking games most of the afternoon. If they were particularly rotten to him, they might even have insisted on playing counting games (which, frankly, baffle him, because, as a 'proper' mathematician, he can't deal with numbers, only letters). Finally, and this is my killer argument, he's given up the game so won't play on principle until the Boundary Rule is changed (cue Rant Button, of which more below).

On the subject of what to drink, I'm with Conky on the beer (no lager for me, if at all possible). I should probably start a new topic to rant on this, but I think bottled water is one of the worst environmental pollution episodes prevalent in the UK, and I shall be hoping that the CP is able to offer Thames Water, which (as we know) will have been purified multiple times by the best technology there is by the time it gets to me.

If you disagree with the above point, I suggest you leave winding me up until about 10pm. Then you can just sidle over, say 'Ghandih, what do you think of bottled water mate?', and withdraw to a safe distance. P'raps it would be worth asking Julian or I to describe the Rant Button. It's an amazing invention, everyone has one, and it doesn't work the way you probably think...

I've got a hotel booked at Heathrow, so I'm on for an evening. Hope to be in the vicinity by 6pm.


Posted: 16:34 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by Conky
Looking forward to it. Overtired and Emotional (John) are in PallMall and are on the verge of wandering out into the night. I suppose it could go horribly wrong from here... :D


Here I come

Posted: 18:06 Mon 28 Jan 2008
by Ghandih
Ghandih just on the way in from Heathrow now...

Posted: 01:56 Tue 29 Jan 2008
by Ghandih
Just to say - fab evening, what a great line up of port we drunk (don't mention the Warre!! I said it once, but...). Thanks to all those who made it easy for me to turn up and enjoy a lovely evening. I would like to particularly like to mention Simon L, who not only has a triffic name, but also helped me to bring along a great port. Fonseca 66 was again the Daddy, followed by the Taylors and then the Nacional...
