Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

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Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

Post by DRT »

On Tuesday 27th October a group of us gathered at the Boot & Flogger and shared some fine ports. Details of the organisation can be found here.

The ports drunk were:
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
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Re: Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

Post by DRT »

This was quite a surprise! To only be given one month's notice of an emergency is a luxury one seldom encounters in life.

The exact nature of the emergency became clear during the evening and all I can say is that it was fully justified. Congratulations to those who are deserving of them, what a splendid reason to have a tasting :smile:

A very nice collection of Ports were consumed, with two clear winners in the brace of 1955s. Thank you to all for bringing such lovely ports and apologies for my sub-standard contribution.

I decided to conduct an experiment on behalf of LG Trotter and his quest for a case of 1991 to lay down for a relative. I think I can speak for the group in saying that Quinta de la Rosa 1991 is not the answer you are looking for :|

A splendid evening in great company, as is the way of these things.
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
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Alex Bridgeman
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Re: Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

Thank you everyone for your company last night. It was good to meet Simon for the first time and to see Alex M again. Some of the ports were excellent and thought provoking - the Offley '83 astonished me.

I can also report that with a little carefully applied bleach, the cork of the Unknown Believed Cockburn 1955 cleaned up enough to reveal that it was actually Warre 1955.
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

Post by jdaw1 »

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Re: Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

Post by jdaw1 »

Alex M
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Re: Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

Post by Alex M »

Apologies for the delayed response. I enjoyed myself immensely at this tasting and it was great to catch up with all. There were some lovely wines present that evening and I am keen to find more Offley 1983 as I felt it had a few more decades of potential. Many thanks to CPR and AHB for bringing some old (in my experience) ports! I hope that i'm able to attend more tastings in the near future.
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Re: Tuesday 27th Oct 2015 - an emergency

Post by Doggett »

And apologies for my even more delayed response!

It was a fantastic evening and great to meet more members of the :tpf: Very well arranged Charles and a very worthy reason for an 'Emergency', for which i again offer my congratulations! What a privilege to enjoy some great ports and in particular the pair of 55s. Thank you all once again for great company and some wonderful port.
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