When: 6.30pm on Thursday 21st April
Where: The Red Room, The Boot & Flogger, 10-20 Redcross Way, London SE1 1TA, tel +44 20 7407 1184 (streetmap.co.uk, bing, maps.google.co.uk)
What: see discussion below for ideas on the theme
- Oscar Quevedo (something from Quevedo stocks)
- Alex (Graham 1963);
- Charles (Graham 1983);
- Ian (Dow 1960);
- Mike (Dow 1985);
- Phil (Dow 1983);
- Julian (Dow 1970);
- Simon (Dow 1963);
- Tom (Graham 1960);
- Ben (Graham 1970);
- Dave (Graham 1985);
- Chris Appleby (possibly Dow 1980 but we may go for a non-themed port since we have no pairing available);
1960, 1963, 1970, 1983, 1985
1980 is the next pair to add, but we need another person to contribute the Graham 1980 unless we decide to buy one collectively.
I've deliberately left out 1966 because of the tasting in May and 1977 because of the frequency with which the Dow is corked.
Bottles available:
1945 - Dow (Alex)
1960 - Dow (Ian, Ben), Graham (Tom)
1963 - Dow (Alex, Ian, Simon), Graham (Alex, Ian)
1966 - Dow (Ian, Phil), Graham (Alex, Mike, Phil)
1970 - Dow (Ian, Mike, Julian, Charles), Graham (Alex, Ian, Mike, Ben, Phil, Charles)
1977 - Dow (Ian, Charles), Graham (Alex, Ian, Mike, Phil, Charles)
1980 - Dow (Alex), Graham (Alex, Ian, Mike, Julian)
1983 - Dow (Alex, Ian, Mike, Phil), Graham (Alex, Charles)
1985 - Dow (Ian, Mike), Graham (Ian, Charles, Dave)
1994 - Dow (Alex, Charles), Graham (Charles, Dave)
1997 - Dow (Mike), Graham (Mike)
Draft of the food order.
Draft of the placemats.