Date: Tue 29 Oct 2019
Time: 6pm
Location: B&F, The Ovens
Theme "69" - bring a bottle of port (other than TV69) somehow related to the number 69.
With the ’69 vintage itself being very limited for quality port, I’m proposing the broader theme, simply for bottles to somehow relate to the number 69. So for example, this could include:
• port from ’69 [but not TV69! see note below]
• port bottled in ’69
• 69-year-old port
• port bottled 69 years ago
• port of which only 69 cases was made
• the 69th bottle of port in your cellar
• a bottle that cost you £69
• a bottle bought from the merchant at 69 Something Street
• a bottle from the 69th page of JDAW’s book (no, I haven’t checked)
• a bottle from the 69th producer registered with the IVDP
(etc, you get the idea)
My intention is for this to be a blind tasting; or rather, almost-blind. I will provide a bottle of TV69 in addition to whatever else I decide to bring, which would then be the only sighted bottle; all others to be blind and not TV69, thereby avoiding the risk of a TV69 verizontal (and avoiding the need for a non-attending arbiter to check for duplications).
- PhilW
- PR (AHB's +1)
- WS
- rich_n
Current version of the placemats.