Back in the pre-Covid mists of time I was drinking a delicious glass of Taylor's Terra Feita 2005. 85% red juice. An entirely congruent port- the plump-sultana-and-glace-cherry-led fruit cake it promised on the nose it delivered on the palate and said cake remained on the finish. It inspired me to suggest that, for our edification and for that of others, we ought to have a tasting where we drink all eleven* vintages of TTF (1982, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2008**). You all agreed.
To make sure we have enough to drink we have agreed we will have four TVs from matching vintages, TV1987, TV1991, TV1995 (thanks Charles) and TV2001 (thanks Neil).
1. GEAG - reconfirmed - bringing 1988
2. OJW - reconfirmed - adopting 1987 from George
3. CPR 1 - reconfirmed - adopting 2008 from George
4. forest26 - reconfirmed - adopting TV1987 from George
5. idj123 - confirmed - adopting TV1991 from George
6. Doggett - reconfirmed - bring 1999 please
7. akzy - reconfirmed - bring 2005 please
8. jdaw1 - reconfirmed - adopting 1996 from George
9. MWN - adopting TV2001 from nac
10. hadge - reconfirmed - bring 2001 please
11. flash_uk - reconfirmed - bring 1995 please
12. nac - reconfirmed - bring 1982 and 1991 please
13. PhilW - reconfirmed - adopting TV1995 from CPR1
14. BPetrie - confirmed - adopting 1986 from George
Current draft of the placemats.
Who has what:
GEAG (1982, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2008).
Doggett (1999, 2001)
akzy (2005)
nac (1982; also 1991 courtesy of Taylor's via Mentzendorff/C&B).
AHB (1986, 2005)
hadge (1995, 2001)
flash_uk (1995,1999)
*For completeness I should add that there are mentions to be found of several other Terra Feita wines.
- The Book suggests 1907 and 1911 as tasted by the late, great, Michael Broadbent. suggests there is a 1914 Terra Feita.
The stock of 1998 TTF is recorded in The Book (quoting Mayson 2001) as having been destroyed in a natural disaster at the Fonseca lodge in 2001.
Taylor's own website mentions that "In the early 1900’s the firm’s relationship with Terra Feita seems to have intensified. The firm started bottling small amounts of Vintage Port drawn exclusively from the Terra Feita vineyards, distant precursors of today’s Quinta de Terra Feita single estate Vintage Ports. A handful of bottles of these early Terra Feita Vintages, starting with 1905 and continuing until the mid-1930’s, can still be found in Taylor’s cellars"
A 1925 Terra Feita (bottled by Fonseca Guimaraens) was sold in Amsterdam in June 2020; alas I was the underbidder.
flash_uk records below on this thread that a publication by TFP, which arrived with the BFT ports in 2021, lists the following 'early' years for TTF: 1905, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, 1918, 1923, 1925, 1931, 1937.