Date - Tuesday 1st March 2022
Venue - Boot & Flogger, Red Room
If you’re interested please also indicate what bottles you can offer. Suspect we won’t have a problem with the VPs but will struggle with the Fojos and early Agua Altas.
- Johnny Graham
- Jamie Churchill Graham
- NAC (has Ch85, Ch91, Ch94, ChAA95, Ch97, ChG05, ChG09)
- Rich N (ChG05, ChG09)
- CPR (adopting)
- Zak R
- SCD (ChAA95)
- GEAG (ChAA98, Ch00)
PhilW (Ch82, Ch85)
AHB - JDAW (Ch85)
- BenR
- PW
- WillW
Some quick research suggests the following are in scope (up to 2011):
1982 VP
1983 Agua Alta
1984 Fojo
1985 VP
1986 Fojo
1987 Agua Alta
1989 Fojo
1990 Agua Alta
1991 VP
1992 Agua Alta
1994 VP
1995 Agua Alta
1996 Agua Alta
1997 VP
1998 Agua Alta
1999 Gricha
2000 VP
2000 Gricha
2001 Gricha
2003 VP
2005 Gricha
2006 Gricha
2007 VP
2009 Gricha
2011 VP
Current draft of the placemats.