Wednesday October 8, 2008

Organise events to meet up and drink Port.
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Axel P
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Axel P »

The big parcel of Miguel has arrived and contained:

2007 VP Cask Sample Touriga Nacional
2007 VP Cask Sample Touriga Franca/Francesa
2003 VP
2000 VP
1997 VP
1983 VP (in case we need it and the first bottle did go bad)
1977 VP
1947 VP

I just got the idea that I will stay here and drink it all myself...

I will bring the 1994 as well, so it will be a total of 9 bottles if I make it through the airport.

Andy Velebil
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Andy Velebil »

Awsome...and VERY nice of Miguel to also include the '47
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by benread »

I am salivating as I sit here! Very exciting (and we have a warm up in London next Tuesday - theme still tbc!)
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by jdaw1 »

Placemats updated to include the two versions of 2007.
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by DRT »

Andy V wrote:Awsome...and VERY nice of Miguel to also include the '47
Andy, just to clarify, Miguel kindly agreed to let us purchase the 1947 from the Cockburn cellar using some of the money donated by a number of the attendees. All of the other bottls delivered to Axel were generously donated to the line-up by Miguel free of charge.

"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
Andy Velebil
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Andy Velebil »

Ohh that explains!
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Alex Bridgeman
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

Here are some final arrangements for those who would like confirmation of the details of the day.

The venue: The Crusting Pipe at 27, The Market, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8RD. This wine bar is located in the South Eastern corner of the basement area under the covered part of the market. (The South Eastern corner is the corner nearest to the London Transport Museum.) Contact number is +44 207 836 1415.

Afternoon session - starting promptly at 14:30 and ending promptly at 17:15.
Anyone arriving before 14:15, please wait in the bar of the Crusting Pipe rather than come through to the back where we will be frantically preparing tasting places. Ports on offer will be 12 Cockburn vintages 2007 back to 1970.

Please leave promptly at 17:15 so that the tables can be cleared and re-laid for the evening tasting session.

Evening session - starting promptly at 19:00, carriages approximately 23:30
Anyone arriving before 18:45, please wait in the bar area. The evening will start with dinner, followed by a presentation on Cockburn by Miguel Corte-Real and then a tasting of 12 vintages of Cockburn's ports from 1967 back to 1895.

We will be free to stay until the Crusting Pipe closes at approximately 23:30.

We have promised the venue to settle our account with them after dinner and before the presentation begins so as to keep as much flexibility as possible on the time that they close.

Please post a reply here is you have any questions that you would like to have answered. We look forward to seeing you at what should be one of the most comprehensive Cockburn tastings assembled in many years!
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
Simon Lisle
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Simon Lisle »

I nearly decided not to attend this tasting but through caution to the wind and stood firm.I thought I work hard enough to have some personal pleasure come my way and thats port(secondly) :lol: .Could we have a final list of people attending
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by DRT »

Simon Lisle wrote:Could we have a final list of people attending
Andy V
Axel P
Ben Read
DRT + partner
Miguel Corte-Real
Nicos Neocleous
Roy Hersh
Sean C + partner
Simon Lisle + partner
Stewart Todd + partner
Uncle Tom

Sean, Simon, Stewart and myself are all reminded to ask their partners not to wear perfume. I have already gone through that pain :wink:

"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
Roy Hersh
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Roy Hersh »

I am very much looking forward to the tasting and plenty of fine Port, especially after a week of travel with Julian in Portugal. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I arrived on Monday on the same flight with Miguel and it was good to see him again.

Alex, thanks for putting out the final details as I was not sure about the start time and look forward to seeing many good friends from the UK and meeting a few folks that I've not yet met but feel like I know (Simon Lisle especially) but certainly Ben and Axel as well. Amazing in looking at the guest list that there will be a very evenly balanced group of enthusiasts from both :FTLOP: and :TPF: This should be a very memorable if not historic event!

Until tomorrow ...
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Axel P
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Axel P »


before I post my comments, here is the letter from Miguel, because he should be the first to post his feedback:

Dear Axel ,

It was my pleasure !!!

In my opinion this fantastic event was by far , the best and most complete tasting of Cockburn's Vintage ever made . As a wine-maker , that dedicated almost all my life to the Douro and to Port , to have the opportunity to participate and to meet real Port lovers and connoisseurs like this group ,it’s a real privilege and the best possible way to commemorate my 30 years of service to Cockburn’s , completed on October 2nd.

I would like to ask you the favour to copy this message to all the other participants .

Many thanks,

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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by RonnieRoots »

No review? No tasting notes?
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by DRT »

RonnieRoots wrote:No review? No tasting notes?
ADV and I have been up in the Scottish Highlands for a few days and out internet access. I don't know what the others have to offer as an excuse other than being exhausted by having to drink so many different ports in one day! :wink:

I will try to post some notes tonight.

It is great to read Miguel's words. I am glad we managed to put on such a great tasting and it is wonderful that the man responsible for making many of the wines we tasted was able to take such pleasure out of the event.

"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by DRT »

RonnieRoots wrote:No review? No tasting notes?
ADV and I have been up in the Scottish Highlands for a few days and out internet access. I don't know what the others have to offer as an excuse other than being exhausted by having to drink so many different ports in one day! :wink:

I will try to post some notes tonight.

It is great to read Miguel's words. I am glad we managed to put on such a great tasting and it is wonderful that the man responsible for making many of the wines we tasted was able to take such pleasure out of the event.

"The first duty of Port is to be red"
Ernest H. Cockburn
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by RonnieRoots »

DRT wrote:
RonnieRoots wrote:No review? No tasting notes?
ADV and I have been up in the Scottish Highlands for a few days and out internet access. I don't know what the others have to offer as an excuse other than being exhausted by having to drink so many different ports in one day! :wink:

I will try to post some notes tonight.
I am very much looking forward to that. It must have been a great event, and I would have loved to be there as well.
Roy Hersh
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by Roy Hersh »


I am away this week, in NYC but will be home the following week. Although others will already have their notes up, I have already planned to have a full on article of this event as my featured story in the upcoming Nov. :FTLOP: newsletter, which I know you subscribe to. I wish you had been able to make it as I am still very much looking forward to meeting you and Stevie too.
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Re: Wednesday October 8, 2008

Post by RonnieRoots »

Looking forward to the article Roy! I'm sure we'll meet sometime :)
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