NV Don Pablo Tawny

Tasting notes for individual Ports, with an index sorted by vintage and alphabetically.
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Tasting notes for individual Ports, with an index sorted by vintage and alphabetically.
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Warre’s Otima 10 year old Tawny
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Joined: 09:59 Thu 23 May 2019

NV Don Pablo Tawny

Post by rich_n »

Enjoyed at the top of the Torre da Igreja do Castelo de São Jorge as an included drink.

I didn't fully pay attention to this in terms of making notes but I think that's probably what it deserved.

Fairly simple as you might expect from a tawny like this, with redcurrants dominating the palate along with some herbal and mineral notes. Not overly sweet. Decent for what it is, and certainly enjoyable with the view but I wouldn't seek it out again.
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