A fabulous evening, and as ever, well looked after by the staff at The Crusting Pipe. Given the theme, and the uncertainty that could bring, we ended up with 3 red wines and 3 ports. Chris D unfortunately was unable to make it, so we shall never know (or will we??) what he might have done for the statistics.
Wine of the night, by a vote of 3-1, was Wolfgang's Clos Dofi Palacios 1993 from Spain. The first glass of wine I finished, being the basis of my vote.
Port of the night, by a vote of 2-1-1 was the 1996 Quevedo Colheita. It is worth stating that it was up against a 1944 Taylor's Colheita (bottled 1985 - strange year?!) and a 40 yo Ferreira, bottled 1972. Who says youth can't compete!
A very enjoyable, and informal, evening.
I am sure more formal TN's will follow, but thank you to Ray, Tom and Wolfgang for an enjoyable night.
Anything but Vintage (1) - 5th August 2010
Anything but Vintage (1) - 5th August 2010
Vintage 1970 and now proud owner of my first ever 'half-century'!
Vintage 1970 and now proud owner of my first ever 'half-century'!
Re: Anything but Vintage (1) - 5th August 2010
It was indeed a very enjoyable evening with a theme that threw up some interesting participants. I was a little surprised that a young 1996 Quevedo Colheita had any chance against the 'old boys' but there was no doubt in my mind that it was a clear winner..well done Ben.
We were, once again, very well looked after at TCP and thanks to Ben, Woolfgang and especially Tom for the idea. Great evening...must do it again sometime soon.
We were, once again, very well looked after at TCP and thanks to Ben, Woolfgang and especially Tom for the idea. Great evening...must do it again sometime soon.
Re: Anything but Vintage (1) - 5th August 2010
Please post TNs, and links thereto.