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Hello there

Posted: 10:43 Mon 18 Apr 2011
by PhilW
Having recently discovered this forum while searching for UK vintage port tasting opportunities, I thought I should say hi and introduce myself, instead of just lurking :D

I've enjoyed ports for a long time, and would say my current favourites would be Fonseca 70, and Warres 77; the latter being a bit more affordable, so I haven't had the former for a while. Also had a *really* nice Fonseca Guimerans recently (96?) which was a steal at just under £30. Also enjoy the Grahams 77 (much stickier and sweet, but very nice) and Dows (their 77 being much fruitier imo), but the Warres is the winner for me, with its earthier full flavour; so I had a crate of that I've mostly worked my way through, interspersed with others occaisionally. Warres 77 now starting to be in shorter supply, so not sure if I'll grab a last case while I can, or try a few newer choices (I've not really tried anything 91+ yet, aside from that guimerans)...

Every now and then I try an LBV/Ruby/Otima etc again, but each time I've found them very poor compared to 'proper' vintage port, so give up and stick to that.

When drinking a bottle (vs tasting), I really enjoy a small amount of blue cheese as accompaniement - which I gather some here see as a heinous crime! I find if you have just a little bit, ideally with a little bread as well, the port soaks into the bread and... well, I like both the 'pure' mouthful of port flavour and the combination too, with a really nice port, port nirvana :)

Anyway, thats a bit about me and my port habit(s), hopefully I may get to meet some of you at a tasting (I wish I could have been at the 55@55 event, sounded amazing).


Re: Hello there

Posted: 12:41 Mon 18 Apr 2011
by jdaw1
PhilW wrote:my current favourites would be Fonseca 70, and Warres 77
We always welcome newcomers to our midst, but it is with extra pleasure that we welcome newcomers with such excellent taste and judgement. Any competent doctor recommends regular and generous doses of F70 and W77.

Presumably you have seen the collection of threads Organising Tastings and Get-togethers? Sign up to a tasting by posting in an appropriate thread, and saying whether you have bottles that match the theme.

Re: Hello there

Posted: 03:34 Wed 20 Apr 2011
by g-man
A merry welcome to the boards indeed!