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Chinese Girls Beer

Posted: 21:52 Thu 23 Aug 2007
by DRT
After 3 pints of brown stuff I've had to give in and have a girlie beer with my Chinese meal. Cold, fizzy, refreshing and everything a brown warm thing isn't :cool:


Posted: 11:37 Thu 30 Aug 2007
by uncle tom
The original Tsing Tao is very good, but they've been making some variants that are trying to ape Bud Light, and are totally insipid..

..order with care!


PS When you mentioned the brown warm thing, were you talking about the beer or the waitress? :wink:

Posted: 01:35 Sat 01 Sep 2007
by DRT
Anything I could say in reply to that would have to be deleted by Admin :lol: