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hello to you all.

Posted: 23:07 Thu 05 Jan 2012
by tasty tipple
hello to you all,
I'm new here and enjoy the occasional tipple of a good vintage wine etc.
I hope to gain a more usefull knowledge of wines etc from reading your post on this forum aswell as asking the odd question.


Re: hello to you all.

Posted: 23:19 Thu 05 Jan 2012
by jdaw1
Hello again. Please don’t be shy about asking, and if likely to be within reach of a tasting, post in the organisation thread to say ‟me please”.

Re: hello to you all.

Posted: 23:36 Thu 05 Jan 2012
by DRT
Welcome to :tpf:, you are very welcome here and I hope we do see you at a tasting soon as it is the best way to broaden your knowledge of vintage ports as you have the opportunity to compare different vintages and producers side-by-side.
