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Taylor's Vintage Port 1970 to sell (& Amandio vintages!)

Posted: 23:41 Mon 08 Jun 2015
by Samhay21
I have 2 bottles of Taylor's Vintage 1970 port to sell.
I was given these as a Christening present around 40 years ago, along with a bottle of Amandio
1955 Old Ruby Port & 1970 Amandio Vintage Port.
I had another 2 bottles of the Taylor's which I opened a few years back & were in great condition, but I don't have a taste for Port, so I'd rather sell them to an appreciative buyer!
The Taylor's I've found online for around£160 per bottle.
Please get in touch if you're interested!
I have photos I can email.

Re: Taylor's Vintage Port 1970 to sell (& Amandio vintages!)

Posted: 10:17 Tue 09 Jun 2015
by jdaw1
Where are you and the bottles located?

Re: Taylor's Vintage Port 1970 to sell (& Amandio vintages!)

Posted: 16:25 Tue 09 Jun 2015
by Samhay21
I'm in Cardiff.
The bottles have been store flat for all these years under the stairs, so they shouldn't be spoiled, plus as I say we opened a couple about 5 years ago & it was pretty good - so I'm told!

Re: Taylor's Vintage Port 1970 to sell (& Amandio vintages!)

Posted: 17:31 Tue 09 Jun 2015
by Andy Velebil
Samhay21 wrote: The Taylor's I've found online for around£160 per bottle.
I will simply say, way too much money you're asking. Those sell for about $120-130 (US Dollars) and I'm sure for far less in the UK.

Re: Taylor's Vintage Port 1970 to sell (& Amandio vintages!)

Posted: 18:10 Tue 09 Jun 2015
by Alex Bridgeman
Taylor 1970 retails for around £100 + VAT in the UK and I'm sure you've read our standard advice that you can expect to net about 50% of that when selling. This would make your Taylor 1970 bottles worth about £60 each. The Amandio is more difficult to value since there isn't really a demand for them - perhaps £30-40 for the pair.

Overall, you might be able to negotiate a sale of all 4 bottles for about £150.

Does this match up to your expectations?

Re: Taylor's Vintage Port 1970 to sell (& Amandio vintages!)

Posted: 22:14 Tue 09 Jun 2015
by jdaw1
Our standard advice to would-be vendors explains that selling is unlikely to be profitable. Have you relatives or friends who might enjoy these?

Re: Taylor's Vintage Port 1970 to sell (& Amandio vintages!)

Posted: 12:53 Wed 10 Jun 2015
by idj123
Alex's pricing (above) of the T70 is correct- a case of 12 (assumed to be in good condition) sold for £650 at auction yesterday.