25th December, 1977 Quarles Harris accompanied by a 1977 Taylor.
At D+0: 75%ile translucency, but the hue red to the edge. Closed nose: tart cherries? To taste gentle alcohol, gentle eucalyptus, something evoking the term ‘high toned’: not quite mint, nor spearmint. Maybe an echo of the long-lasting eucalyptus. Light but long: very drinkable now at D+0. More anon.
1977 Quarles Harris
Re: 1977 Quarles Harris
D+4hr: slightly redder than the T77. The D+0 eucalyptus has faded completely, it having ‘gained’ a slightly acrid vegetableness. Better at D+0. (Note to self: pop-and-pour QH77.) Still a lovely drinking port, similar to, though slightly lighter than, T77. Flavour: slightly dry (in the sense of unsweet) plums.