The bottle of 1955 Fonseca we opened was a bit disappointing from the start. It appeared as though it was suffering from improper storage as the Port was a very light burnt orange and rusty brown color. In the glass it was thick and viscous with tons of sediment separation and the scents were of cinnamon and caramel. It had a very rich sweet cherry and caramel taste. Despite the fact that it looked "cooked" and about 20 years older than it was the ’55 Fonseca was still a very good Port, however our particular bottle was probably not "up to par".
One day I hope to be lucky enough to try some of this. It's certainly my intention. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have you had it previously, where it wasn't slightly disappointing?
(This where someone usually chirps up and tells me I had it in their company! A form of Portzeimers)
No I've never had another '55 Fonseca although I do own several bottles. I have had the 1948 and 1960 both of which were better than this particular bottle which was not characteristic of a Fonseca.